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Intriguing time to be alive, isn’t it? At this writing, 23 states have legalized marijuana as medicine, 4 states and Washington, D.C. as recreation. Numerous others will have legalization of some stripe on the ballot soon.

Within the next two years, nearly 35 million Americans could live in places where pot has been, to a great degree, de-stigmatized.

Meanwhile, on the cultural and medical fronts, pot is being hailed as everything from a boon to creativity, to a seizure cure.

It’s only natural, then, that society has dusted off its Peter Tosh albums – and perhaps sniffed, with renewed vigor, the vegetal crumbs lodged in their ragged bindings.

Can we make some sense of what’s happening with marijuana these days?

Can we relax into a state of ganja logic?

Let’s find out together.